Keep yourself informed!
Apr 24th, 2024, 5:21 am
News of this evening:

US Senate passes $95bn in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan
The Senate, in a bipartisan super-majority, overwhelmingly voted to advance the measure, which Joe Biden is expected to sign. ... ael-taiwan

Thank God the traitorous putinists in the US govt are starting to be called out. This will have to do until November, when they can be voted out.
Apr 24th, 2024, 5:21 am
Apr 25th, 2024, 9:45 am
"Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else" - (allegedly) Winston Churchill

Let me fix that for you:

"The reincarnation of a plantation owner mixed with Cotton Mather was worried about his speakership and hoped that the Democrats would save him if he gave them something so he can stay in power and start burning women at the stake again. Also Dick Van Stinkle got the message from Murdoch in between one of his naps at his trial with that "Moscow Marjorie" New York Post front page, that simping for Russia wasn't actually a popular position"

Congratulations at long last Ukraine.
Apr 25th, 2024, 9:45 am
Apr 25th, 2024, 10:01 pm
I'm an immigrant from Panama to the USA. When the war started I immediately made a monetary donation despite living on a fixed budget.

Apr 25th, 2024, 10:01 pm

"Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... ." Bertrand Russell
Apr 27th, 2024, 2:56 pm
TommyT139 wrote:This will have to do...

Here in America, my 60 year old Mother is worried about buying food this month for herself, her husband, and my youngest brother because they're both on disability while my brother can only find a McDonalds job and their food stamps were just cut to $200 a month. Yeah, hopefully this $95,000,000,000 will do until we squeeze out more :-|
Apr 27th, 2024, 2:56 pm

Apr 27th, 2024, 8:51 pm
shadow4play wrote:
TommyT139 wrote:This will have to do...

Here in America, my 60 year old Mother is worried about buying food this month for herself, her husband, and my youngest brother because they're both on disability while my brother can only find a McDonalds job and their food stamps were just cut to $200 a month. Yeah, hopefully this $95,000,000,000 will do until we squeeze out more :-|

US aid to Ukraine is less than 5% of US defense yearly spending. Spending less than 5% to destroy the military capability of America's #2 enemy with no risk to American lives, at a fraction of the cost the US spends each year either way specifically to defend American interests, is a fantastic investment. If we divide out the US defense budget to the threats it faces, Russia, being the US’s #2 geopolitical opponent, is ~$100bn-150bn in spend-to-threat. So spending just $40bn a year erodes a threat value of $100-150bn, a return of 2x-3x. Furthermore, US aid overwhelmingly consists of old weapons from American stocks. Over 90% of the funds allocated for supporting Ukraine are then spent with US manufacturers for replenishing American stocks, creating American jobs.
Apr 27th, 2024, 8:51 pm
Apr 28th, 2024, 9:50 am
I'd also like to know SNAP was cut when the benefits went up for fiscal year 2023-4 and are set to go up again in October 2024 and any changes to ABAWD work requirements don't start until October 2024 and wouldn't apply to 60 y.o.s or disabled people. That means they're simply earning more money or someone isn't complying somewhere.
Apr 28th, 2024, 9:50 am
Apr 28th, 2024, 12:04 pm
Lady K wrote:That means they're simply earning more money or someone isn't complying somewhere.

You ever been on SNAP? If so, you'd realize how ridiculous this statement you made is. Regardless of what you read about SNAP, that's not the way it actually works in real life practice. You can read and research about how it's planned to work all day, quote me articles from talking heads and statisticians and the things they say they see happening with this program across the country, but none of that will ever look like the reality of how this program actually operates or how the rules are actually applied. If you've not been down to one of their offices, sat there all day, gone through the sometimes months long process of providing and proving requested information, then spent at least 4-6 months trying to survive on SNAP benefits, you're truthfully clueless when it comes to speaking about it and shouldn't listen to anybody else who hasn't lived it. Everything you read about it will be horseshit and everybody who's lived this reality will tell you the same thing. Next you'll be telling me that they have a phone number and website that I can use to get things done easily :lol:
And please, don't try telling me you've been on SNAP with the prices of the devices you have listed in your profile. Let's be honest here, regardless of the fact that we're discussing politics which is inherently a discussion designed to be dishonest 100% of the time.
Apr 28th, 2024, 12:04 pm

Apr 28th, 2024, 12:28 pm
Disk4mat wrote: US aid to Ukraine is less than 5% of US defense yearly spending. Spending less than 5% to destroy the military capability of America's #2 enemy with no risk to American lives, at a fraction of the cost the US spends each year either way specifically to defend American interests, is a fantastic investment. If we divide out the US defense budget to the threats it faces, Russia, being the US’s #2 geopolitical opponent, is ~$100bn-150bn in spend-to-threat. So spending just $40bn a year erodes a threat value of $100-150bn, a return of 2x-3x. Furthermore, US aid overwhelmingly consists of old weapons from American stocks. Over 90% of the funds allocated for supporting Ukraine are then spent with US manufacturers for replenishing American stocks, creating American jobs.

I know that talking point well, I listened to the guy's show that said this almost word-for-word just a few days ago (a clip of it anyway). It's a nice taking point to be used as a rebuttal, especially Online with people who won't do their own real research but only take the facts given to them at face value/can't grasp concepts and numbers that large/only think in terms of how they feel. Still doesn't negate the fact that Americans are living precariously when it comes to finances all over the country and the suicide rate skyrockets while "our" government decides to fund almost every major war going on across the planet. It's all love, Brother, but I feel the time's come for America to think locally right now and stop playing the global police/bank. Maybe after we get our own house in order we can help others better, but right now, in the shape we're in, we just prolong death and suffering with almost every global decision we make. Guess it comes from being a young country :think:
Apr 28th, 2024, 12:28 pm

May 23rd, 2024, 4:03 pm
Dont normally post but get fed up reading from whingers and the hard done by. What 'poor' people don't get is that those who have money have worked for it. If Gov. money wasn't used on big projects or wars, do you think they would load up trucks with food aid and drive round US back streets handing it out to the poor / disabled? Unless it was for humanitarian causes and had a film crew - not a chance. The point about defending Ukraine, despite the obvious and that the people are decent, would do the same for us, and have the same values and cultures (mostly) . Should pootin actually decimate Ukraine beyond hope, a real possibility without support. Then beyond the humanity lost, all that funding and support so far will have been for nothing. If Ukraine can hold the russians back or defeat pootins forces for good, Ukraine will once again thrive & prosper and would no doubt return that support and sentiment many times over. Consider it an investment, and the best that any country could ever make for another.
May 23rd, 2024, 4:03 pm