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Apr 18th, 2024, 3:59 am

Autumn in the Blue Mountains . . .

matina and Katy, getting ready to head off for my ultrasound and x-ray. Hope you're both well. Plushies! What a great idea! Bye for now . . .
Apr 18th, 2024, 3:59 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 18th, 2024, 7:13 am
PJ GOODLUCK pm me when your back home again safe and sound.
KATHY plushies i want one for me so i can get in put the cover up and pretend i am not here, as for the little devil he doesn't like confinement of any kind he doesn't get in the bed he is only on top of it and he drives mum and i up the wall as he goes from bed to bed waking us both up with his coming and going. He has trained us both well we are his ushers and security guards to escort him through the house to be allowed outside to pee and poop and he takes his sweet time coming back inside whilst we wait for him. He has a doggie door to use which he does during the day but he wont do it at night and if he goes out he cant seem to get the courage to come back inside on his own even with us calling him he just wont come in the little vampire needs a face to face personal invitation to come back inside, how ever now we are having to resort to closing the doggie door as the neighbours cat has found a palace to visit at night free food water and a nice blanket on the leather couch which the rats have now also found how to use it too just not for the dog it was designed for;-( nothing is ever easy here in our house.
time for a coffee and a another lie down im very anxious about tomorrows meeting re Satan sacat board discussion with multi disciplinary board and the social worker. I am exhausted my anxiety is at peak.
be safe everyone and god bless and be with you all, tell folks you love them.
Apr 18th, 2024, 7:13 am

Apr 18th, 2024, 12:06 pm

Had my ultrasound and x-ray in Katoomba today . . . non-event except that I had to wait an extra hour. Always have my Kindle Fire with me, so I did a lot of reading. Wonder if my results will show that a cortisone shot will help me. Heading down to Penrith tomorrow morning to see my surgeon. Hope he'll give me a final 'all clear' after my op.

Good night, everyone!
Apr 18th, 2024, 12:06 pm

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 19th, 2024, 2:38 am
Hi :wave:

Goodluck with everything today matina were with you in spirit I just hope they decide on a solution this has gone on too long :( :( my granddaughter is not well her tests came back positive for RSV she's also asthmatic so drs keeping a close watch :? Pj cortisone injection not pleasant but it does help ,physio maybe better on a regular basis for your shoulder :? I'm sure your surgeon will give you the all clear today then go treat yourself to a nice coffee in the plaza :D
God bless everyone :D
Apr 19th, 2024, 2:38 am
Apr 19th, 2024, 8:46 am

matina, have been sending you lots and lots of good wishes!

Katy, hope your granddaughter gets better soon.

Back from Penrith and I stopped at one of my favourite coffee shops after my appointment. (See photo above.) I had a great cappuccino and a toasty.

Report from my surgeon was 'very good.' One more check-up needed in 3 weeks.

Getting cold here and it seems like a good night for a fire. Have the kindling all ready to go.

Bye for now . . .
Apr 19th, 2024, 8:46 am
Last edited by pjmpjm on Apr 19th, 2024, 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: .

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 19th, 2024, 11:36 am
PJ GREAT NEWS FOR YOU ALL ROUND! I hope the ultrasound will show that a cortisone shot will help, it will mean another ultrasound and have the injection done whilst under ultrasound it is relatively painless i've had 4 over the years they work great but when they wear off oh boy the pain is bad.
KATHY OH NO! your poor granddaughter;-( how utterly awful for her at least the steroids will help her heal faster and prevent pneumonia too. keep her company on the phone and send round lots of chocolate orange juice and honey lemon ginger tea give her my love and get her on vitamin D to boost the immune system. vicks vapour rub and steam baths. keep me update i will keep her in my prayers as always with a special healing prayer too.
application to sacat will happen in a week or so usually sacat take up to 4 weeks then they set a date for the hearing and they inform us 10 days before the hearing, and in the mean time we have to try and find a placement for him so when it is approved he will be removed and placed into respite or care facility until a permanent place is found for him unfortunately the nursing facilities get 3 months to make him permanent or send him back to hospital if he is making trouble for them and the process starts again to find another place.
lord grant me strength and the mobility to handle it all.
be safe take care and god bless and be with you all
Apr 19th, 2024, 11:36 am

Apr 20th, 2024, 2:28 am
Hey everyone

Matina it's a start it's just so sad and stressful of course getting a place for him won't be easy I hope the social workers earn their money and are a help to you I keep praying for an end to all this for you so you can have some peace at last you and your mum hugs xoxo :) Pj im loving this cold days :) I always laugh when I think of sunnya sitting on the heating vent smart kitty I bet rishi stays in bed :D was that the Cafe on the top floor of the plaza :? we used to go there often when in Penrith made the best chai lattes :D hmm toasties a good idea for lunch :D hope you can have a rest from appts now I know we get sick of them too necessary evil :D be well :D
Apr 20th, 2024, 2:28 am
Apr 20th, 2024, 5:40 am

Autumn leaving appearing everywhere in my neighbourhood . . .

matina, sending more good wishes today, from a damp and cold Blue Mountains. I already have the fire going! Take care!

Katy, I must get another photo of Sunnya on her heating vent. She's such a smart little fuzzy. She came out on the patio with me earlier, but neither of us thought the weather warranted a long sit. That coffee shop you mentioned is always very friendly and always has excellent coffee. I easily found a parking spot right in front, also very close to my surgeon's office. Have to go back again in three weeks. Enjoy your Sunday!
Apr 20th, 2024, 5:40 am
Last edited by pjmpjm on Apr 20th, 2024, 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: .

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 20th, 2024, 9:32 am
We had a relatively usual sunday pub lunch then home. trying to get out of my own headspace at the moment. got friends coming for lunch tomorrow so cleaning a little too.
be safe everyone god bless and be with you all
Apr 20th, 2024, 9:32 am

Apr 21st, 2024, 2:31 am

Morning Pj here's a baby koala and his mum for you so gorgeous :D it is a little chilly outside for coffee today :) I love your autumn leaves photos winters coming and very happy about that :D matina have a nice lunch today put all the crap aside and just enjoy your friends were relaxing at home the kids are better so good all around :D
Apr 21st, 2024, 2:31 am
Apr 21st, 2024, 5:13 am

matina and Katy . . . hope you'll both enjoy quiet and peaceful Sundays, and will enjoy family and friends. Quiet here in the mountains and I don't plan to do much. Katy, glad your grandchildren are better and what a wonderful koala photo! Of course, my son is continuing with his koala surveys and rescues nearly every day.

Will close for now . . .
Apr 21st, 2024, 5:13 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 21st, 2024, 10:12 am
KATHY gorgeous koala picture oh the baby is just cute;-)
PJ your photo above looks like a pink fairy floss sky ;-) we had a wonderful time with our friends and they gave me some good advice too and also they said they will help where they can. It certainly helps knowing i am not alone.
we are exhausted time to relax be safe god bless you all
Apr 21st, 2024, 10:12 am

Apr 22nd, 2024, 3:01 am
Hi everyone

Morning Pj how are you and the fuzzies :? We are doing some gardening my camelia trees are full of flowers more than ever :D I'll take a photo later I've just sat down with a coffee and a bit of home-made chocolate cake since the kids have been sick i get all the baked goods hubby cooked for them :lol: matina it's so nice to have good people around you takes the weight off sometimes enjoy your couch day I'll join you after lunch :D god bless xoxoxo :D
Apr 22nd, 2024, 3:01 am
Apr 22nd, 2024, 4:27 am

matina, so glad you're getting support from your friends. Your CC&BC friends are always sending lots of good wishes too! Hope things get resolved very quickly and as easily as possible. Swollen eye is back here . . . am being 'squeezed in' at Katoomba this afternoon to pick up a script for an antibiotic. Looks worse than it feels, but last time it cleared up quickly.

Katy, glad you can enjoy all the goodies! Beautiful day up here after a 9 degree night. Sunny with blue skies. Sat out back with Sunnya for a while. Rishi got up but declined to venture the backyard, as usual.

Take care, everyone . . .

Apr 22nd, 2024, 4:27 am

But this rose is an extra. - A. Conan Doyle
Apr 22nd, 2024, 7:30 am
PJ go to the chemist and get chlorsig eye drops and ointment it is over the counter now, I always have some on hand at home just in case i always get stuff in my eyes and now i know the procedure.
KATHY enjoy the gardening and then the rest up too, after lunch i have a headache and feeling a little off but plowing through. oh camellias are always gorgeous, cant wait to see your photo.
be safe take care and god bless and be with you all
Apr 22nd, 2024, 7:30 am
