Apr 22nd, 2024, 7:38 pm
Name and Author of eBook: Call Center Success The Sandler Way by Tom Niesen
WRZ$ reward: 20 WRZ$

Even in this age of “do not call” lists and voicemail jail, more and more companies are setting up call centers to drive new business. Why? It could be because people are spending less time “shopping” and more time just buying.

Historically, the buying process for most people started when they picked up the phone and started to talk to a salesperson, either in person or on the phone. In today’s world, with all the data and social media at our fingertips, a salesperson often isn’t contacted until more than fifty percent of the sales process is done!

For many purchases, people don’t feel the need to spend a whole lot of time in front of a salesperson––or even much time on the phone. The conversations and fact-finding now occupy a relatively brief span of time. Once we do have them on the phone, how do we keep them on the line and turn that call into profit?

Call Center Success the Sandler Way, by Tom Niesen, provides leaders responsible for any call center team, operating in any selling environment, a roadmap on how to turn their call center into a profit center.

Niesen provides the resources needed for call center managers on how to empower their teams to accomplish critical business goals.

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Apr 22nd, 2024, 7:38 pm