Apr 16th, 2024, 11:49 am
Name and Author of eBook: The Complete Woodwind Repair Manual by Reg Thorp
WRZ$ reward: 50 WRZ$


Easy to understand step by step instructions, in the style of a workshop manual, for beginners, students and seasoned woodwind repair technicians.

The manual is divided into 10 sections:
1.General Repair - Repairs common to most woodwind instruments
2. The Clarinet (including bass and alto clarinets)
3. The Flute (including the piccolo)
4. The Saxophone
5. The Oboe (including the Cor Anglais)
6. The Bassoon (including the contrabassoon)
7. Advanced Repair (pinning, tenon and socket repair, mouthpiece work, etc)
8. Making Parts (keys, pillars, body rings, screws, etc.)
9. Miscellaneous (the theory)
10. Tools (choice of, making, etc.)
An appendix with details of woodwind tool and material suppliers, instrument manufacturers, and a book list.

557 pages with over 950 diagrams.

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Apr 16th, 2024, 11:49 am