Have fun, win prizes, participate in our contests!
Apr 27th, 2024, 11:41 pm
going bananas, eating bananas - close enough, I'm in
Apr 27th, 2024, 11:41 pm
Apr 28th, 2024, 12:08 am
ice out already? ;o

you would not believe the amount of gifs i had to ignore simply because they wouldn't pass the no blush test
at least i've got mine, i'm in!
Apr 28th, 2024, 12:08 am

Apr 28th, 2024, 2:22 am

And just like that, it was over
At 5:18am on April 27th, 2024
Before most of the town had a sip of coffee (or had just finished their last sip of whisky and headed home)
The ice broke fast, the Tripod whizzed downriver
and the 2024 Nenana Mobi Ice Classic stopped cold

That seemed quick. Ozswede hadn't even had time to officially open the Ice Party Igloo (the little drink umbrellas had just arrived). I died for a bit in the middle of the wait but got better. There's a mountain of bananas at Moocher's and former champ Mrs. Mary-Jane Koswolski is still giving the hard eye to our growing group of banana eating contenders.

Still - we had an epic snowball fight, enjoyed a lovely supper club/pot luck dinner, and John Griffen came up with a rather zippy 2024 poster for the event.


The founders of the Nenana Ice Classic describes this year's event as unique - this year, that happened in the very early morning hours.

Only once before has the ice gone out so early in the day
- just once it went at 5:42 a.m. on May 13, 1927.
Also notable was the dirtiness of the ice.
It was filled with silt, sand and rocks that was easily visible in the ice blocks removed to erect the tripod in March.
Even elders were stumped as to why the ice was so dirty this year.
(Frankly, I'm a bit worried this might be attributed to a bit of sloppy cleanup from Team Mobi last year -
what with our discarded flamethrowers, cocktail straws, sexbots, banana skins,
to say nothing of the debris from Ozswede's Party Igloo Disco and Home-made Stew Palace.
- oops!)

In the end it was
with a guess of April 27th at 1:23pm (just 8 hours and 5 minutes from the actual time!)
who was the big winner, taking home a whopping 1,500 WRZ$!!!

peaceableone & accountant1usa
each had the next closest guesses on either side of the official time,
earning them 500 WRZ$ each!
Finally, our two lucky random drawers are
Mistaya & 22rain
who both take home 250 WRZ$ each - and that's a lot of wampum!

Well, dear Mobi brethren, that is (almost) wrap for this year.
Thank you all for the laughs and good times and I hope to see you all first at Moochers then back again next year for the
2025 Nenana Ice Classic!


Before we take our final leave for the year,
those of you so inclined are welcome to stick around for another night
to enjoy a last evening making the rounds in slowly warming Nenana

Let's pick up some snacks at Coghill's and the Roughneck, then stop by
at Moocher's to cheer on the banana eaters, have a daiquiri and cheer on our winners!
Be there or be square, take photos if you dare!


Special thanks to JohnGriffen and SportsCenter for underwriting the fat stacks o' WRZ$ for this contest!
Apr 28th, 2024, 2:22 am

Looking to keep current with Mobi Contests?
Tune in, turn on, on Discord!
Apr 28th, 2024, 2:25 am
I’m in.

Apr 28th, 2024, 2:25 am

Apr 28th, 2024, 2:34 am
Congrats to HogwartsExpress!
And great guessing to peaceabbleone and accountant1usa
Thanks for another great time at the Nenana Classic, everybody!
Thanks to Guv for hosting :D
Apr 28th, 2024, 2:34 am

Apr 28th, 2024, 3:20 am

The Mobi Ice Classic Presents
Moocher's Bar Spring 2024 Banana Eating Contest
Tripod Tipple Triumph After Party

NOTE: The lower the odds, the better their chance to win
(3 to 1 is better than 20 to 1)
Payouts are 10x the odds shown, so 3 to 1 pays out 30 WRZ$

It's almost here, the night that nearly all of Nenana society comes out to see
the semi-annual banana eating contest at Moocher's Bar & Liquor Store

It does seem that our enthusiastic Mobi mob may have scared or at least driven off
some of the usual local crowd, in fact only Mrs. Mary-Jane Koswolski,
the five time champ, remains to regain both her crown and the honor of Nenana

Can't say as I blame them, I don't think they've quite forgotten us from last year.
And after Oswede started serving up the daiquiris and DuskyDuvessa broke out the bourbon
- I dare say they knew we were playing for keeps.

To get in on the action, post the number and name of the contestant you think will win
- along with any encouragement, advice or snark you might have.
Betting window will be open until 1pm or so, Nenana time on Sunday, April 28th.

So c'mon out to Moocher's - wear your best yellow outfit (post 'em too),
help yourself to some banana drinks and dainties and cheer on
the worthy contestants
(and make sure to congratulate HogwartsExpress on their superb prognostication ability)
as they they vie to become the next
Banana Eating Champion of Moocher's Bar in Frigid Nenana, Alaska!

Post your best Afterparty and Banana Eating Contest photos!!!
Apr 28th, 2024, 3:20 am

Looking to keep current with Mobi Contests?
Tune in, turn on, on Discord!
Apr 28th, 2024, 4:22 am
It's got to be number 10, ozswede!

Like the legendary Carmen Miranda,

Bananas is my business


We'll fire up the Disco Bananas


⅓ Banana
¾ oz Lime Juice
¾ oz Cinnamon Syrup
¼ oz Demerara Syrup
¼ oz Creme de Banana
¾ oz Unaged Agricole Rhum
¾ oz Unaged Jamaican Overproof Rum
Blend with ice
Garnish with grated cinnamon and a banana chip

Tested on the locals and given the thumbs up


and celebrate ozswede's fabulous victory


Victory to ozswede, Banana Queen!



Drinking Disco Bananas with Ozswede the Banana Queen? Sign me up! - Gov
Apr 28th, 2024, 4:22 am

Apr 28th, 2024, 1:47 pm
Number 7

Some advice from last year's winner...

And a few videos from past events





Excellent counsel and a strong proposition for success - Gov
Apr 28th, 2024, 1:47 pm

Apr 28th, 2024, 3:01 pm
I think you might sense a theme here







Apr 28th, 2024, 3:01 pm
Apr 28th, 2024, 5:11 pm
Lucky No. 7

Here are the bananas warming up for the showdown - first off Josephine Banana Baker shaking her bananas all over the show


The bananas are getting in trim for the showdown - I think this one has another banana down his pants


And here is the only drink to celebrate a win



I would add a bit of #43 to the dirty banana - but otherwise, I like your thinking - Gov
Apr 28th, 2024, 5:11 pm

Twitter: Fatima99@fatima99_mobi
Apr 28th, 2024, 11:54 pm
Lush on Cloud #9

Walking in with

not realizing the eating contest already started...
All that training with my Sensei (pictured below) for naught

or is it??? Sensei arrives to cause a delay/distraction and the contest has to restart!

just in case judge(s) wants to go on a power trip,
everyone goes home with this pro-life tip:

Apr 28th, 2024, 11:54 pm

Apr 29th, 2024, 12:28 am
I pick me for the win.
But I have had several dirty banana drinks from lush. Does it count if she blended several bananas into the mixer? Ugg her sensei just bared his teeth at me! Wait. Were those his bananas?
No pictures please.

Apr 29th, 2024, 12:28 am
Last edited by Mumzies on Apr 29th, 2024, 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
