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Jul 25th, 2023, 9:48 am
Mobilism has an EXTREMELY special place in my heart. I live nowhere Ukraine, however my heart goes out to all Ukrainians going through this unjustified violence against them.

I love you Mobilism team!
Jul 25th, 2023, 9:48 am
Jul 26th, 2023, 9:56 am
jaydenjoo wrote:Disk4Mat, do you personally know anyone from Crimea or Donbas? If you do, do you know anything about the validity of the referendums held there? There are claims about the validity or the lack thereof from both sides, and I’m not sure which side is true.

Im not from there nor i have been there, but if an armed soldier that have killed my neighbor ask me to vote on something, i will vote what they want me to vote because i value my life more than an ink on a piece of paper. This is just how biased the referendum is, thats it, a sham referendum.
Jul 26th, 2023, 9:56 am
Aug 5th, 2023, 11:39 pm
I send you our support, we currently helping to support Ukranians in the UK, hoping you gain all your territory back and drive out the Russians.
Sorry for all the people that won't live to see it.
Russia will regret this for decades to come.
Aug 5th, 2023, 11:39 pm
Aug 22nd, 2023, 5:43 pm
I am Vietnamese and I am extremely angry with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I hope Russia will lose and Putin's regime will no longer be able to survive.
I and my friends support you, Ukrainian.
Aug 22nd, 2023, 5:43 pm
Aug 24th, 2023, 3:36 pm
Peacefull and victorious Independence day of Ukraine! May God protect Ukrainians and Ukraine, a place where new Europe is born now. Thanks to all Ukrainians, that protect the eastern wing of Europe with all they have. Слава Україні! Слава Українцям!
Aug 24th, 2023, 3:36 pm
Aug 24th, 2023, 5:35 pm
mojsej wrote:Peacefull and victorious Independence day of Ukraine! May God protect Ukrainians and Ukraine, a place where new Europe is born now. Thanks to all Ukrainians, that protect the eastern wing of Europe with all they have. Слава Україні! Слава Українцям!

Couldn't have said it better than this, Hopefully this is what bring down Vladimir Putin.
Aug 24th, 2023, 5:35 pm
Sep 19th, 2023, 2:03 pm
Hoping the conflict is resolved quickly, with little loss of life. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Stay strong, Ukrainians!
Sep 19th, 2023, 2:03 pm
Sep 21st, 2023, 11:23 am
How come I saw this post just now? Stay strong and fight on, hope you live free and in peace soon.
Sep 21st, 2023, 11:23 am
Oct 2nd, 2023, 6:26 am
Love and full support to Ukraine
Надсилання любові та повної підтримки України
Oct 2nd, 2023, 6:26 am
Oct 7th, 2023, 1:48 am
As we face the politicization of aid to Ukraine and uncertainty over who will become the next Speaker in Congress, whether Ukraine will continue receiving aid and how long it will take to pass has become increasingly uncertain. Scalise and Jordan are battling for support to become the next Speaker, and Jordan has already stated he is against further aid to Ukraine. He has also previously voted against every piece of legislation involving aid to Ukraine.

If you live in the US and support Ukraine, it is incredibly important that you reach out to your representatives. This is especially true if you live in a Republican district.

You can do this in a couple clicks with:!/ and the text below.
Better yet, if you’re willing to call - do it!

Each message is counted by the aides of representatives. This will take seconds from your day, but can have a colossal impact on how this war ends.

Hi, my name is ENTER NAME, and I live in your district — my zip code is ENTER ZIP.

I'm appalled by the politicization of aid to Ukraine and urge your office to:
(1) to support additional funding for Ukraine, and
(2) to oppose any candidate for the Speakership who does not fully support Ukraine.

Spending only 5% of the US annual defense budget to destroy half of Russia’s military, with no boots on the ground and little risk to US lives is a fantastic investment. Moreover, as of this September, Europe has overtaken the US in total aid provided. The argument that Europe is not doing enough is simply not true.

Ukrainians are very grateful for the support the U.S. has provided thus far. Cutting off aid now makes America unreliable, weakens the cause of democracy, threatens the international legal order, encourages tyrants around the world, and hastens Chinese aggression.


Thank you, and please share this with your friends.
Oct 7th, 2023, 1:48 am
Oct 10th, 2023, 4:09 am
Quick reply to let you know I've sent a webform email to my congressional reps asking them to continue to support aid to Ukraine.
Prayers for you all -- and all of us deeply concerned with the state of the world, and wishing for more democratic and free countries.
Oct 10th, 2023, 4:09 am

The universe is intelligent and friendly.
Oct 14th, 2023, 8:53 am
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I am sure your courage will help you prevail and all Ukraine will again be peaceful.
Oct 14th, 2023, 8:53 am
Oct 17th, 2023, 7:29 pm
Thank you for the link to - I've shared this with all my friends and networks. I hope it helps the cause. Politicizing aid to countries in humanitarian crisis is cruel and it is so fucked that our government use all these crisis for political gain. Take care of yourself.
Oct 17th, 2023, 7:29 pm
Oct 24th, 2023, 3:32 pm
All I can say I work with a lot of Ukrainian refugees and they are all wonderful people. What happened and continues to happen is terrible. I’ve signed all the official online petitions in my country and I can only hope things will improve as the political trend doesn’t look good so far.
Oct 24th, 2023, 3:32 pm